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Your 7-Day Breakthrough to
ICF PCC Level 2 Certification

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Your 7-Day Breakthrough
to ICF PCC Level 2 Certification

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Your Journey of Transformation

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This Program Is NOT:

This Program Is:

A passive retreat where people come to unwind

A 7-day immersive experience designed for professionals who are ready to transform their potential into purpose.

Another checkbox in one’s professional journey

Not just a certification—it's a roadmap to one’s most authentic self, both personally and professionally.

An escape from reality

A driven and purposeful coaching education experience to achieve mastery.

The New Way to Become an ICF Coach

What’s one goal you’ve been putting off because life feels too overwhelming?
Imagine having a system that makes completing it not only possible but also joyful.

But how can it be done in 7 days?


Speed, backed with attention-to-detail is our mantra.

This isn't a Quick Fix. This is Intentional Learning.

A Day in Your

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The Complete Journey

Complete Journey Details

Hear from People Who’ve Been on this Journey

“MML created a transformative space for me to grow—not just as a coach but as an individual. The program’s introspective approach, structured learning, and genuine support gave me the clarity, confidence, and tools I needed to begin my coaching journey with trust in myself and the process.”

“Transitioning from a seasoned design engineer to a purpose-driven coach, MML not only transformed my leadership and mentoring abilities but also deepened my self-awareness and empathy. The program empowered me to bridge the gap between industry and education, equipping future leaders to thrive while helping me rediscover my passion for making a meaningful impact.”

“It has been a transformative journey that went far beyond mastering the craft of coaching. It gave me the tools to not only elevate my coaching skills but also align my personal growth with my professional aspirations. The rigorous feedback and immersive modules like emotional intelligence and NLP helped me find clarity, confidence, and validation for my choices.

Who Walks This Path?

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Our alumni started exactly where you are — busy
professionals with big dreams and real-life challenges.

Their stories prove what's possible with
the right guidance and structure.

Brownie Points

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Curriculum Highlights: Your Roadmap to
Fastest Route for ICF Coaching Certification

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Meet Your Guide:
Hemant Lawanghare

A visionary who has transformed coaching education globally. More than a mentor—a catalyst for your professional metamorphosis.
Guide Details

Meet Your Guide:
Hemant Lawanghare

A visionary who has transformed coaching education globally. More than a mentor—a catalyst for your professional metamorphosis.
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Hear from People Who’ve Been There, Done That

“This learning reshaped my understanding of personal growth and coaching. Through an innovative curriculum, I learned skills like deep listening that extend far beyond professional practice. The faculty doesn’t just teach; they create a supportive space where vulnerability becomes a strength. What started as a learning journey became a profound path of self-discovery, showing me that true transformation begins with understanding oneself.”
“Part of what brought me to this program specifically was the view that it had of the real belief and trust in people’s ability to source their own solutions. I believed that deeply from the beginning and what I’ve discovered in these techniques & practices that we did, demos that we saw is what that looks like in practical action.”
“Six months of coaching education transformed my understanding of 18 years of professional experience. I learned that growth isn’t about changing who you are, but understanding yourself deeply. Instead of rushing, I’m committed to giving back and developing my craft with purpose and empathy. Today, I’m not just more skilled, but more intentional about creating meaningful change.”

MML has impacted the career growth and self evolution of
Senior Leaders from these organizations:

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Not sure about a Residential Program?
Experience coaching education in other ways.

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Your 7-Day Breakthrough to ICF PCC Certification

Pro Bundle Rs 3999
6 workshops

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Basic Rs 999
1 workshop

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1 Workshop

International certification by ICF

Request A Quote

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Download Brochure of
Positive Spiritual Intelligence
Coach ICF CCE Certification

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Download Brochure of
Positive Psychology Coach
ICF CCE Certification

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Download Brochure of
Certification Program

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Download the ICF CCE Certification Program Brochure to know how to start your journey!

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MasterMyLife ICF CCE MasterClass Workshop

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Masters Degree in Emotional Intelligence & Life Coaching

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Get in touch

Download Brochure of
Masters in Emotional Intelligence
& Human Relations

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Masters in Emotional Intelligence & Human Relations

Become a future-proof professional with a 2 years professional masters degree.

Anita Sachdev

Anita Sachdev is an Intercultural consultant, leadership coach and a thought partner A globally seasoned business professional and an Award Winner ICF-PCC certified coach. Anita’s versatile leadership experience spanning over four decades across multiple industries, countries, and cultures to enable coachees to bust through their mental blocks and transform them into dynamic, confident decision makers. Besides coaching business leaders, I support clients during life transitions, ignite ambition, and propel growth by freeing  their minds to boldly embrace new opportunities with unwavering certainty.  My  group coaching programs support “Career Pathfinders” and Women to “Step into the Spotlight” have gained global recognition.

Associated with MML : Faculty Member/ Coach
Organization Name : I’ve Made it
Focus Area : Executive, Leadership and Career Coach, Cross Cultural Cultural Consultant

Deepak Varma
Founder and Director

Deepak Varma is the creator of the accredited diploma in Speakology™ program. An Ikigai™ Coach, Deepak is a renowned keynote speaker and also a healer who has developed the healing technique, “Healify” which taps into the subconscious of the individual to holistically heal his clients. His free e-book on Ikigai can be downloaded at

He has conducted more than 3000 workshops across 10 countries, trained 35000+ individuals from more than 75 organizations. He has authored the best selling book “The Joyful Quotient” in 2019. Deepak is a master Udemy trainer with 4000 students, and growing every second, spread across the globe. He is also the co-founder of Entrepreneurs International, a learning and networking platform with executive members from 30 countries across the globe.

His Free and Paid learning courses can be viewed at

Associated with MML : Faculty Member
Organization Name : Technospirit Consultancy
Focus Area : Ikigai™, Speakology™, Healify

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