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Meet successful life coach

Nice to meet you! This is Hemant Lawanghare.

I founded MasterMyLife (MML) in 2017.

I’m often asked,
“How on earth did you get started with all this?”

Let me rewind a little.. The year 2014.
I was entrenched in my corporate job doing pretty good for myself (I was a Business Head before I left my golden cage)…. I was working in one of the renowned MNCs and travelling the world. I was living my best life, or so was my perception then 😅
Path to become a coach
(trying to enjoy some ice cream on one of our corporate outings in Germany)

My coach Ebe

The year 2015.. My eyes opened. My organisation had started a leadership development program where I experienced the magic of coaching through Ebe, my coach.
A man who had spent his lifetime in the hard trenches of the industry. Few people have made more of an impression on me than the spirit of Ebe himself. His positive approach to life; and his profound love for his craft made a deep and lasting impression on me. The underlying goal was not to make the most money or even to beat some rat race. It was to do the greatest thing possible—chase excellence.
Being coached by Ebe gave me the springboard to get on the heady road of becoming a coach and empowering lives—chasing my idea of excellence. I left my corporate career and embarked on a road less travelled.

(My last day at work. It was a memorable sendoff indeed! )

My Coach Training - The tipping point

My coach training experience was tedious and unwholesome. It was not what I had expected.
I wasn’t confident enough to start my practice full-time, as I had little clue about launching and branding myself, let alone having a sustainable coaching business. I had to complete different certifications from different places… from emotional intelligence to NLP to psychology to digital marketing.. I spent millions of rupees.
I hired top marketing agencies to launch my practice with little or no results. It took me two years to really get going and attain stability. One day when I was chatting with my mentor Ashish, I had my Eureka moment!
coaching seminar

(My Emotional Intelligence seminars were quite a hit)

Why not build an ecosystem that can create successful coaches?

I realised that anyone who wants to become a successful coach would not have the time and resources I had. There needed to be a more streamlined and holistic approach to build everyone’s coaching success. Therefore I launched MML with a proven system – The MasterMyLife Success Roadmap (MSR). A platform for coaches to discover, grow, build and collaborate towards their success. A place where coaches would get all the support and thrust to achieve freedom and fulfilment.
Attain Success with Certified coach training
(MoU signing with Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh – Vice Chancellor Mumbai University, Prof. Anil Karnik – Director GICED, Mr. Hemant Lawanghare and Mr. Ashish Kulkarni)
I was fortunate to get a mentor like Mr. Ashish Kulkarni and with his support, I decided to launch the world’s first master’s degree in coaching and emotional intelligence with one of India’s best universities – Mumbai University and later, integrated the International Coach Federation (ICF) certification in it. In the year 2020, MML decided to enter into online ICF coaching certifications.
I decided to dedicate my life building a platform that integrates life skills and coaching.
build your coaching legacy
(Ashwin after joining MML)
A co-founder to take care of marketing and the student experience would be a good idea, I thought to myself. I had a gold medalist from India’s most reputed mass communications college at my home. Ashwin, my son. And boy was he rearing to go! (One of my best decisions as Ashwin is making a positive impact and flourishing as an empathetic and authentic leader).
And that was the final domino toward our exponential growth!

The MasterMyLife Group was born.

Today MML is a group of 3 companies, present in 18+ Countries across the Globe. Building Competent Global Coaches in every corner of the world!
MML Brand Book v
MasterMyLife Is Present In These Countries

MasterMyLife EQ Education
(The Education & Life-skills Development Vertical)

MML EQ Education is a life-skills-oriented education platform aiming to empower individuals and embed growth and transformation in their lives. Through our range of University and ICF-accredited programs, we imbibe the values of a meaningful life. Our program ranges from Masters degrees in Emotional Intelligence & Coaching to ICF Life Coaching Certifications and other short-term certifications to improve the lives of individuals personally & professionally.
MML operates globally and has its subsidiary in the USA called MML USA Coaching LLP.

MasterMyLife Foundation
(The Not-for-Profit Vertical)

MML Foundation’s goal is to empower the masses by spreading the power of life skills, especially to those who otherwise may not afford the high quality global eduaction. We aim to foster an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired to achieve their life goals. MML Foundation helps to instil life skills that include providing opportunity and access to life skill tools and resources for all individuals looking to grow, transform and develop leadership skills.

(The Coaching Vertical)

YouMe&Life (YML) is a Coaching community dedicated to every individual interested in the coaching space and to corporates and business houses looking for quality coaches to meet their learning, development and coaching needs. Being a coach is about supporting people to make meaningful growth in their lives. Growth motivates people to follow their career path, improve their relationships, instil freedom and embrace their spirituality and highest self.
To make it possible, we have designed this community to support our budding coaches in various ways:

We help our coaching education program learners in completing their 500 hours of coaching assignments as per ICF norms
We provide business support: from branding to launching the website to providing support in geting paid coaching assignments
We provide access to a close-knit community of leaders, and coaches who help each other in peer-peer coaching, escalating each others’ business and enhancing coaching knowledge
We empower you with career and coaching opportunities for MML group and its associates

We designed the community to maintain lifelong relationships with our coaches. Even after the completion of the official coaching certification course, our support shall continue. We’ll walk alongside you forever as you take the defining steps of your life.
masters photo

(My first ever batch-my family at the Mumbai University campus)


Let us make a difference together

We desire to develop a community of emotionally intelligent global citizens who want to achieve excellence and create a positive impact—an empowered world with empowered people. Once you become an MML coach, you shall create this empowered world with us.
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Pro Bundle Rs 3999
6 workshops

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MasterMyLife ICF CCE MasterClass Workshop

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Deepak Varma
Founder and Director

Deepak Varma is the creator of the accredited diploma in Speakology™ program. An Ikigai™ Coach, Deepak is a renowned keynote speaker and also a healer who has developed the healing technique, “Healify” which taps into the subconscious of the individual to holistically heal his clients. His free e-book on Ikigai can be downloaded at

He has conducted more than 3000 workshops across 10 countries, trained 35000+ individuals from more than 75 organizations. He has authored the best selling book “The Joyful Quotient” in 2019. Deepak is a master Udemy trainer with 4000 students, and growing every second, spread across the globe. He is also the co-founder of Entrepreneurs International, a learning and networking platform with executive members from 30 countries across the globe.

His Free and Paid learning courses can be viewed at

Associated with MML : Faculty Member
Organization Name : Technospirit Consultancy
Focus Area : Ikigai™, Speakology™, Healify

Anita Sachdev

Anita Sachdev is an Intercultural consultant, leadership coach and a thought partner A globally seasoned business professional and an Award Winner ICF-PCC certified coach. Anita’s versatile leadership experience spanning over four decades across multiple industries, countries, and cultures to enable coachees to bust through their mental blocks and transform them into dynamic, confident decision makers. Besides coaching business leaders, I support clients during life transitions, ignite ambition, and propel growth by freeing  their minds to boldly embrace new opportunities with unwavering certainty.  My  group coaching programs support “Career Pathfinders” and Women to “Step into the Spotlight” have gained global recognition.

Associated with MML : Faculty Member/ Coach
Organization Name : I’ve Made it
Focus Area : Executive, Leadership and Career Coach, Cross Cultural Cultural Consultant

Masters in Emotional Intelligence & Human Relations

Become a future-proof professional with a 2 years professional masters degree.

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Masters in Emotional Intelligence
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Masters Degree in Emotional Intelligence & Life Coaching

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Basic Rs 999
1 workshop

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Certification Program

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Positive Psychology Coach
ICF CCE Certification

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Positive Spiritual Intelligence
Coach ICF CCE Certification

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1 Workshop

International certification by ICF

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