Individual Or One-To-One Executive Coaching
In this classic executive coaching approach, we work with clients on site, or at our offices, or by telephone/video. Sessions range from a minimum of 1 – 2 hours, over 8 – 12 sessions, typically on a monthly frequency. The majority of coaching issues we handle fall under the categories of:
- Leadership development for high potential managers
- Performance effectiveness
- Transitioning to next level roles
- On boarding new recruits
- Strategic view development for C-Suite executives
- Behavioral transformation

MasterMyLife’s executive coaching philosophy adheres to complete confidentiality with respect to the client and organization, placing the client’s interest above that of the organization, and always seeking to align the client to the organization.
Case Study
Improved People Management Skills

During a one-to-one executive coaching assignment, MasterMyLife worked with a senior executive at the Chief Operating Officer (COO)-level being considered for promotion to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Board members found the operating skills of the COO excellent, but wanted him to improve his people management skills. While the company’s HR professionals diagnosed the problem as aggressive behavior, the coaching process revealed the underlying issues to be based on insecurity, and a need to prove himself. With support from stakeholders in the company, the COO demonstrably improved in his people management skills.
Case Study
Abrasive Manager

Overachieving executives tend to be task-oriented, aggressive, and often abrasive. In this scenario, the coach used 360-feedback to identify the issues and implemented MasterMyLife’s Who Am I Model to resolve them over the course of 10 sessions. READ CASE STUDY
Case Study
Emotional Executive

Being emotional is good, to a point. Emotional and intemperate outbursts can derail executive careers. In this case, we worked with a high level executive and his team for 20 hours. READ CASE STUDY