Manifesting the Life You Want is an Ability You’re Born with!

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With Text Manifesting the Life You Want is an Ability You’re Born with!

MANIFESTATION. I know by now you have overheard this term yet it’s something that makes your thumbs stop. That’s why you are here, reading this. Chances are that you’ve already read tons about affirmations, vision boards, and visualization. Well, all of that works.

What doesn’t work is mindless copy-pasting of affirmations, vanity vision boards, and emotionless visualizations. I want to put emphasis on the side of manifestation which is so seamlessly integrated in your lifestyle that it’s no longer “something you do”. That’s how you actually manifest.

By the end of this article, the way you look at manifesting your future will completely change. So try on these new lenses on manifesting the life you want.

Mindset Shifts to Truly Manifest

1. Inward is the Way Ahead

I’m going to get a bit in-depth, stay with me.
  • We are energetic beings, vibrating at a certain frequency.
  • We experience these frequencies as emotions.
  • Our major frequency is based on bigger things like our outlook towards life, our belief system, and the way we show up for the things that matter.
  • Now think of it like we are sending out a signal in the Universe at this frequency.
  • This signal lets us tune into external experiences, people, and opportunities that are vibrating at the same frequency.
  • What you change internally, manifests externally (maybe read that again). Hello, intentional living!

2. It’s a Duet, Not a Solo Dance

Now you can spend a lot of time and effort externally and try to control every situation but that’s where you are missing out on the divine role that the Universe can play in this co-creation aka your manifestations.
  • Did I lose you at “divine role”? In simpler words, you start and the Universe follows, you don’t have to do it all on your own. Relieved much?

3. Clarity Goes a Long Way

Get clear on the “why” and “what” you want to manifest in your life. Let the “how” surprise you.
  • Ask. Ask. Ask. Ask questions that answer why you want what you want.
  • Say it out loud and then let go.
  • It’s like placing an order when you look at the restaurant menu. Go ahead, add those extra toppings and leave some room for chef specials too.

4. Become One With Your Manifestation

Eat, breathe, walk, talk, and live like the version of you who is already living the life you want to actually manifest.
  • DO NOT separate your current self from the timeline of your future self who has it all.
  • You see, when you believe that your manifestation is in the future, you are already delaying its arrival. Something to think about, right?

5. Abundance Mindset >> Lack Mindset

When you focus on manifesting the life you want from a standpoint that you don’t already have enough, you are operating from a place of lack.
  • The emotion of lack brings more emotions of lack.
  • First, acknowledge and be grateful for the abundance you have in your life. Then watch it multiply.

6. Surrender - Let it Go, Let it Gooooo!

Easier said than done, yes. But think about this, would you rather have everything as you planned or let some divine intervention make it even better?
  • You’d be thinking that clarity and specificity is a must for manifestation then how do we let go of our desires. Well, that’s the bit that isn’t spoken about much.
  • The answer to truly manifest lies in not letting specificity become a restriction.
  • Avoid beliefs like “I only want this if I get it this way”.
  • Once you have achieved clarity about what you want to truly manifest, start with the actions you feel called to take and forget the rest.

7. Cut Out the Conditions

Leave doors and windows open for all possibilities.
  • Be crystal clear about the emotions you want to experience, yes, but not the circumstances.
  • Have faith that the path that’s best for you will find you and watch it all unfold.

8. Make it Bigger than Your Desires

When you align your manifestations with a purpose bigger than you, you are getting access to the collective energy.
  • Remember that your physical manifestations are a by-product of your internal changes.
  • Your manifestations are actually about manifesting an inner change.
  • Attach your desires to something that’s long-term and purposeful

9. Your Desire is Seeking You Too

  • You won’t receive your manifestation if you aren’t ready to nurture it in your life.
  • It’s not a one-way transaction but a meaningful process. While you look for your desire to enter your life, your desire is looking for a host to fulfill it as well (mind-blowing, right?)
  • Attach your desires to something that’s long-term and purposeful

9. Your Desire is Seeking You Too

  • You won’t receive your manifestation if you aren’t ready to nurture it in your life.
  • It’s not a one-way transaction but a meaningful process. While you look for your desire to enter your life, your desire is looking for a host to fulfill it as well (mind-blowing, right?)
  • Attach your desires to something that’s long-term and purposeful

10. Don’t Burden Your Desires

  • What repulses your desires is the frequency that “Only when I receive this manifestation, will my life be successful”.
  • You don’t want to put so much pressure on it. At the end of the day, the role of a desire in your life is to help make those fundamental changes within you that can further open up so many possibilities you hadn’t even thought of.
Hacks might give you short-term gains but it won’t be the healthiest thing if you start associating your self-worth with your external manifestations alone.

When Manifesting Your Future

1.Affirm Truly: Repeat affirmations that really make you feel something. Use the ones that really resonate or craft your own. You are aiming for something that is calming, expansive, and joyful. 

  • When feeling unsure, say: “I trust I am on the right path even if I can’t see the next steps”
  • For your health, say: “I am mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy in a consistent and wholesome manner”
  • For your wealth say: “Abundance is my best friend, I welcome it in my life with open arms, in so many ways”
  • For relationships: “I meet high vibe people all the time and enjoy soulful relations”

When you are feeling down, say: “I’m the Universe’s favourite person to bless”

2. Create Your Vision: Vision boards are a great tool for training your subconscious mind about your new reality, it helps you normalize your dreams and desires. Hence, leading to an abundant mindset that you already have all this in your life. It’s important to not separate your vision board from your current timeline.

3. Use All Senses: Visualizations should be felt with all senses. The idea is for your mind and body to fully embody the dreams you wish to manifest like you already have those today.

4. Rewire Your Subconscious Mind: Let go of your limiting beliefs, old patterns, and negative stories that keep you from manifesting positive things in your life.

If you are truly looking for more than surface-level manifestations and actually looking forward to changing your life for the best, become a manifestation magnet and align it effortlessly with your life. Give way to conscious, mindful, and holistic manifestation.

How to Actually Manifest Daily

1. Accept: The way you think, behave, believe about the little details in your life manifests in how you receive the bigger desires. 

For example, how do you feel when you are being rewarded with something out of the blue, let’s say a friend brought you a chocolate? Would you hesitate to take it? Or if someone compliments you, would you shy away from taking it? If you do, the message that you are actually sending out is that you are not comfortable with rewards. Understand that it’s not going to stay restricted to the little things but manifest as a pattern for the bigger things as well. 

2. Combine: Clubbing intentions with your routine is an effortless way to actually manifest. For example, saying and feeling affirmations like “My skin is healthy and nourished” while you apply your face cream or wash your face is super powerful.

3. Learn: The Universe takes several tests before handing your desires to you because it doesn’t want to see you collapse or get overwhelmed, so it will teach you all the lessons you need to learn before you get what you desire. That’s the law. This is how you actually manifest at a deeper level.

Manifest in Your Life with Gratitude

Be grateful at every stage while manifesting the life you want. When you are thankful from the bottom of your heart, you attract more reasons to be grateful. 

To reach a level of intrinsic gratitude, a soft awareness and consciousness is what you can aim for in your day-to-day life. Being fully present in every moment as much as possible, coming back to the present moment even after you have zoned out for a while, is the way to go. 

Keep a journal to put in your daily gratitude entries, write thank you letters to your loved ones, take pictures of moments you absolutely relish, and say “thank you” more often. It doesn’t cost anything but makes a huge difference in someone’s day and yours too.

Your Mind Can Manifest the Life You Want

When manifesting your future and dreams, remember that you have all of the potential within you. You are limitless when you are born, the idea now is to unbecome everything and everyone you are not. 

Unlearning and relearning is what we believe in at MML, where our team of global coaches will help you develop self awareness, share life wisdom, and bring you closer to your desired life. 

Book a complimentary 1:1 call with us to get clarity on how coaching can create an impact in your life and build the runway for manifesting the life you want. 

See you on the other side!

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Deepak Varma is the creator of the accredited diploma in Speakology™ program. An Ikigai™ Coach, Deepak is a renowned keynote speaker and also a healer who has developed the healing technique, “Healify” which taps into the subconscious of the individual to holistically heal his clients. His free e-book on Ikigai can be downloaded at

He has conducted more than 3000 workshops across 10 countries, trained 35000+ individuals from more than 75 organizations. He has authored the best selling book “The Joyful Quotient” in 2019. Deepak is a master Udemy trainer with 4000 students, and growing every second, spread across the globe. He is also the co-founder of Entrepreneurs International, a learning and networking platform with executive members from 30 countries across the globe.

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Anita Sachdev

Anita Sachdev is an Intercultural consultant, leadership coach and a thought partner A globally seasoned business professional and an Award Winner ICF-PCC certified coach. Anita’s versatile leadership experience spanning over four decades across multiple industries, countries, and cultures to enable coachees to bust through their mental blocks and transform them into dynamic, confident decision makers. Besides coaching business leaders, I support clients during life transitions, ignite ambition, and propel growth by freeing  their minds to boldly embrace new opportunities with unwavering certainty.  My  group coaching programs support “Career Pathfinders” and Women to “Step into the Spotlight” have gained global recognition.

Associated with MML : Faculty Member/ Coach
Organization Name : I’ve Made it
Focus Area : Executive, Leadership and Career Coach, Cross Cultural Cultural Consultant

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