MML is a holistic platform that awakens your true potential at personal, professional & spiritual level. Our aim is to inspire you to live a life full of wisdom and meaning. We are a growth and people centered organization that aims to make a difference in the lives of people we come across.

Therefore, we are excited that you’re here. Thank you for wanting to know more about us.

Discover life wisdom to find meaning in your life & forge your path to success.

We aim to inspire you to find your calling & move towards the path of growth, transformation through coaching & life skills oriented programs.

Our Programs

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Masters in Emotional Intelligence & Human Relations

Step into professional achievement and business mastery in corporate realms with the future proof Mumbai University’s Masters degree

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Masters in Emotional Intelligence & Life Coaching

Build your coaching career with Mumbai University x ICF USA PCC Coach Masters Program

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ICF Global Coach Certification Program

Build your coaching career with global ICF certification with an in depth curriculum and an opportunity to get FREE coaching practice completion support of 500 hours paid sessions

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ICF CCE Emotional Intelligence Coach Program

Transform your career and life with Emotional Intelligence program and enjoy a healthy and productive relationships with others & build stronger human relations

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ICF CCE NLP Coach Program

Become an International NLP Master Trainer in 5 weeks with ICF,USA to advance your understanding of human behaviour and programme your mind to lead a successful life

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ICF CCE Positive Psychology Coach Program

Become a Positive Psychology Coach to savor the positive experiences in life, learn to develop a culture of excitement, trust amongst team members and experience personal growth at all phases of life

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ICF CCE Positive Spiritual Intelligence Coach Program

Become a spiritual coach in 5 weeks to help yourself and your clients find deeper meaning and purpose in life at large.

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MasterClass Workshop Series

Get specialised in 6 most life skills trending domains of Emotional Intelligence, NLP, Positive Psychology, Spiritual Intelligence, Neuroscience and Group Dynamics

Why do we exist?

To contribute to society by creating a viable learning ecosystem and growth platform for coaches, professionals, and entrepreneurs.

We strive to develop a growth-focused community that shall embrace the power of human empathy, kindness, and wisdom to impact society positively.

The MasterMyLife Group of Companies

(The Coaching Vertical

You Me and Life is a Coaching hub dedicated to every individual interested in the space of coaching. Being a life coach is about supporting people to make meaningful change in their lives. Change that motivates people to follow their career path, improve their relationships, gives freedom and embrace their spirituality and highest self.

MasterMyLife Foundation
(The Not-for-Profit Vertical)

MML Foundation’s goal is to empower the masses by spreading the power of life skills. Our aim is to foster an environment where everyone feels values, supported, and inspired to achieve their life goals. MML Foundation helps to instill life skills that include providing opportunity and access to life skill tools and resources for all individuals looking to grow, transform and develop leadership skills.

MasterMyLife EQ Education
(The Education & Life-skills Development Vertical)

MasterMyLife EQ Education (The Education & Life-skills Development Vertical)
MML is a life skills oriented education platform whose goal is to empower individuals and inculcate growth, transformation in their lives. Through our range of programs we try to imbibe the values of meaningful life in the lives of our students and individuals we come across.

Our Partners

University of Mumbai's (MU) Garware Institute of Career Education and Development (GICED)
believes in bringing about greater linkage between education and skills, employment, work-orientation and application to personal and organization goals.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF)
headquartered in the USA, is an established organisation and one of the premium governing bodies of the Life Coaching industry across the world. They are the gold standard in the coaching industry.

iED Academy Europe
The Knowledge Hub of European Entrepreneurship, they connect research and innovation in the entrepreneurial ecosystem to help you successfully create and grow your business.

The Key Account Management (KAM) Group UK
The Global Resource for Managers Everywhere, KAM supports managers and corporations around the world to grow profitable business with their most important customers by drawing on the knowledge, expertise.


Hear from Our Certified Coach Graduates

Experience Our Ecosystem

Crack the code of enhancing your relationships

Take our FREE Behavioural Profile test to gain an edge in

This test will not only allow you to experience the test but to understand MMLs space better.

This test will not only allow you to experience the test but to understand MMLs space better.

Take this free behavioural profile test

Our Offices

Mumbai Office

MML Registered Office, Pune - India

Pro Bundle Rs 3999
6 workshops

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MasterMyLife ICF CCE MasterClass Workshop

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Deepak Varma
Founder and Director

Deepak Varma is the creator of the accredited diploma in Speakology™ program. An Ikigai™ Coach, Deepak is a renowned keynote speaker and also a healer who has developed the healing technique, “Healify” which taps into the subconscious of the individual to holistically heal his clients. His free e-book on Ikigai can be downloaded at

He has conducted more than 3000 workshops across 10 countries, trained 35000+ individuals from more than 75 organizations. He has authored the best selling book “The Joyful Quotient” in 2019. Deepak is a master Udemy trainer with 4000 students, and growing every second, spread across the globe. He is also the co-founder of Entrepreneurs International, a learning and networking platform with executive members from 30 countries across the globe.

His Free and Paid learning courses can be viewed at

Associated with MML : Faculty Member
Organization Name : Technospirit Consultancy
Focus Area : Ikigai™, Speakology™, Healify

Anita Sachdev

Anita Sachdev is an Intercultural consultant, leadership coach and a thought partner A globally seasoned business professional and an Award Winner ICF-PCC certified coach. Anita’s versatile leadership experience spanning over four decades across multiple industries, countries, and cultures to enable coachees to bust through their mental blocks and transform them into dynamic, confident decision makers. Besides coaching business leaders, I support clients during life transitions, ignite ambition, and propel growth by freeing  their minds to boldly embrace new opportunities with unwavering certainty.  My  group coaching programs support “Career Pathfinders” and Women to “Step into the Spotlight” have gained global recognition.

Associated with MML : Faculty Member/ Coach
Organization Name : I’ve Made it
Focus Area : Executive, Leadership and Career Coach, Cross Cultural Cultural Consultant

Masters in Emotional Intelligence & Human Relations

Become a future-proof professional with a 2 years professional masters degree.

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Masters in Emotional Intelligence
& Human Relations

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Masters Degree in Emotional Intelligence & Life Coaching

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Download the ICF CCE Certification Program Brochure to know how to start your journey!

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Basic Rs 999
1 workshop

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Certification Program

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Positive Psychology Coach
ICF CCE Certification

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Positive Spiritual Intelligence
Coach ICF CCE Certification

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1 Workshop

International certification by ICF

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